### SECURITY ALERT - U.S. Consulate ABUJA AND U.S. Department GENERAL LAGOS, NIGERIA **Abuja, Nigeria - August 1, 2024**: The U.S. Consulate in Abuja and the U.S. Office General in Lagos have given a security caution to American residents living in or heading out to Nigeria. This ready, compelling from August 1 to August 2, 2024, inclinations uplifted cautiousness because of potential security dangers. **Security Dangers and Precautions** The Government office and Department General have recognized tenable data demonstrating potential assaults by fear based oppressor associations in different areas inside Nigeria. These dangers explicitly target regions visited by Westerners, including retail outlets, lodgings, instructive foundations, strict foundations, transportation center points, and other public spaces. Considering these dangers, American residents are encouraged to: 1. **Avoid Huge Gatherings**: Abstain from going to enormous public occasions or social affairs that could be expected targets. 2. **Exercise Wariness in Open Spaces**: Remain cautious while visiting areas that draw in enormous groups or are well known with ostracizes. 3. **Stay Informed**: Routinely screen neighborhood news and follow refreshes from the U.S. International safe haven and Office General. 4. **Have a Security Plan**: Guarantee individual wellbeing plans are modern and known to family and close partners. 5. **Maintain Communication**: Keep open lines of correspondence with family, companions, and the U.S. Government office or Department General. **Reaction from Authorities** The Nigerian security powers are purportedly fully on guard and have expanded their presence in key regions to counter likely dangers. Joint effort among Nigerian and U.S. specialists is progressing to guarantee the wellbeing of American residents and different ostracizes. **Government office and Department General Support** The U.S. Government office in Abuja and the U.S. Office General in Lagos are effectively checking what is going on and are accessible to offer help and data to American residents. For any crises or dire worries, U.S. residents can contact the accompanying: - **U.S. International safe haven Abuja**: +234 (9) 461-4000 - **U.S. Office General Lagos**: +234 (1) 460-3600 **Travel Advisory** The U.S. Branch of State keeps on exhorting U.S. residents to reexamine travel to Nigeria because of wrongdoing, psychological warfare, common turmoil, capturing, and oceanic wrongdoing. Definite data on tourism warnings and security tips can be tracked down on the Division of State's true site. American residents are urged to sign up for the Shrewd Voyager Enlistment Program (Move toward) get ideal updates and security data. Remain safe and exercise alert during this time of elevated alert. For more data and updates, kindly visit the authority sites of the [U.S. Consulate in Abuja]( and the [U.S. Office General in Lagos]( department/lagos/). Stay Safe.


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